March 31st, over 25 new items! :)

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All our products are carefully AND professionally made with the highest standards in the industry. Our fabrics are carefully selected from responsible sources in Canada. We offer made to size as an option to ALL our products.

This website works better on a browser. When using Shopify's SHOP app, the options for selecting colors can't be displayed.

Please note that "Lettermail" orders have no insurance and no tracking number from Canada Post. "We are not responsible for lost items when this shipping method is selected". Also be aware this type of mail might take a long time to arrive and there is no way for us to follow up with Canada Post on status.

When using the "shop" app, it will mark Lettermail items as delivered automatically as soon as we mail them out, that's not accurate as there is no way to know when Canada Post delivers Lettermail items, so please disregard those emails.

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Gymnastics Leotards Loungewear Swimwear Made in Canada

Contact Hours

Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 8:30pm
Saturday, 8:30am - 6:30pm
Sunday, 8:30am - 5:30pm

(Eastern Hours)

email: or through the website chat (Mon - Mon, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET.)